2サーボ駆動型羽ばたき機のArduino CODE(2 Servo)
Arduino CODE for ServoFlapOrnithopter 2 servo
        new CODE Version2
2023/01/07 2024/10/01

Arduino CODE on GitHub

Arduino CODE for 2ServoFlapOrnithopter


New Servo Flap System by K.Kakuta

1 Bilateral Servo Flap between Max high point and Max low point
- change max flap point (throttle stick) and change Flapping frequency(5chLS)
3 Change center of Flapping angle Horizontal (Ch1 aileron stick) and Vertical (Ch2 elevator stick)
4 Change flapping amplitude on each Servo (Ch4 rudder stick)
Increase flap amplitude of one servo and decrease flap amplitude of another servo
Setting : Set elevator and rudder and aileron stick Center-- 1500microsesond
Set 5Ch at Left Slider or other switch
Set throttle stick and 5CH at low max --1000 microsecond
Please use “Serial.print” and Serial monitor on PC

Please not use “Serial.print” at Flight ( Execution speed of CODE becomes slow)

PPM Receiver-- RX PPM signal input to D2 pin
Servo right --D5 pin
Servo left --D6 pin

Ground -GND pin
6V -RAW pin ( 6-6.2V from Step down DC converter or Step up DC converter ) -for 6V servo(-- more power)
5V -VCC pin
2cellLipo to 5V : iFlight BEC 2-8S 5V 2A

My setting
Lipo: 70-120mAh1cell Lipo battery
Servo: BLUEARROW AF D43S-6.0-MG Micro Metal Gear Digital Servo



Servo HornBluearraow Metal V950 D05023MG / K130 D03018MG Servo Swing Arm Parts For Wltoys XK K130 V950 6CH RC Helicopter



Arduino Pro mini board
DC stepup converter from 1cell Lipo 3.7V to 6V output

----7W mini DC DC Boost Step-up Converter 2.6-5.5V to 5V 6V 9V 12V Voltage Regulator Module for LED Motor



PPM receiver: OrangeRx R616XN DSM2 / DSMX 6CH CPPM



Caution: After first connection to battery, sometimes, Servo have stopped at an abnormal position and not move normally.
By pushing several times Reset Switch on Arduino Board, servo move normally.

Set your transmitter Throttle 3ch End point to Max(140-150%)
at low and high stick position

2022/04/23 Changing of Wiring for 5V PPMRX
Wire 5V power supply from Pro Mini Board VCC to 5V PPMRX

Arduino Code Zip File
01/10/2024 Updated PPMReader to the latest version, V1.2.0

Nikkilae/PPM-reader https://github.com/Nikkilae/PPM-reader
dimag0g/PPM-reader https://www.arduinolibraries.info/libraries/ppm-reader

ServoFlapDriveSystem 2servo Arduino CODE Zip File with PPMReader Zip File

//210521 Rudder ElevatorUP FlapAmp-UP delaytime control PPMRX Ch1-4 writeMicroseconds(1000-2000uS) use by K.Kakuta

#include <Servo.h>

#include <PPMReader.h>

//#include <InterruptHandler.h>//  2022/01/27 Delete for more good move


//#define DOPRINTS // if you print on PC screen Data, delete”//”

// In use of Flap system,cut "Serial.print "(put ”//”) 

//and write code to Arduino board.

int interruptPin = 2;

int channelAmount = 6;

PPMReader ppm(interruptPin, channelAmount);


int servo_left_pin = 6;

int servo_right_pin = 5;


volatile int elevator = 0;

volatile int flapamp = 0;

volatile int delaytime = 100;// Servo speed low-increase Servo speed high-decrease this.

                          // unit: micro second

volatile int ch3value = 1000;//Ch3

volatile int ch1value = 1500;//Ch1

volatile int ch2value = 1500;//Ch2

volatile int ch4value = 1500;//Ch4: Set Scale of 4ch of TX to 70%

volatile int ch5value = 1500;//Ch5

static int servo_comm1 = 0;// Left or Right Servo high point and low point

static int servo_comm2 = 0; // Left or Right Servo high point and low point

volatile int rudder = 0;

float glide_deg = 0; // Gliding angle 0=0 degree 500=90degree

static float servo_zero1 = 0;//flap angle adjust

static float servo_zero2 = 0; //flap angle adjust


Servo servo_left, servo_right; // create servo object to control a servo


void setup() {



  pinMode(servo_left_pin, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(servo_right_pin, OUTPUT);


  servo_left.attach(servo_left_pin);//output pin No

  servo_right.attach(servo_right_pin); //output pin No

  delay(2000);//Avoid abnormal positions at startup-wait 2 second until RX starts220306 



void loop() {

  ch3value = ppm.rawChannelValue(3);//Ch3

  ch1value = ppm.rawChannelValue(1);//Ch1

  ch2value = ppm.rawChannelValue(2);//Ch2

  ch4value = ppm.rawChannelValue(4);//Ch4

ch5value = ppm.rawChannelValue(5);//Ch5



  #ifdef DOPRINTS   

    Serial.print("ch3value ");Serial.print(ch3value);


    Serial.print("ch1value ");Serial.print(ch1value);


    Serial.print("ch2value ");Serial.print(ch2value);


    Serial.print("ch4value ");Serial.print(ch4value);


    Serial.print("ch5value ");Serial.print(ch5value);




 rudder=(int)(ch1value-1500);//Ch1  Flap angle incline-- AileronStick

 elevator=(int)(ch2value-1500);//Ch2 Flap Angle bilateral UP&Down

 flapamp=(int)(ch4value-1500);//Ch4 Right and left Flap angle difference from3to2

 delaytime=(int)((ch5value-950)/5);//Ch5 Flapping frequency

// you can change UP or Down direction by your transmitter Reverse setting of each Channel


  #ifdef DOPRINTS











 if (ch3value > 1080) {


  servo_comm1 = (int)( (ch3value -1000)/2+1500 + rudder - elevator+ servo_zero1+ flapamp);

  servo_comm2 = (int)(1000 + (2000 - ((ch3value -1000)/2+1500)) + rudder + elevator- servo_zero2+flapamp); 


  servo_left.writeMicroseconds(servo_comm1); // servo position in variable 'pos'

  servo_right.writeMicroseconds(servo_comm2); // servo position in variable 'pos'


delay(delaytime); //Wait 1second=1000mseconds


servo_comm1 = (int)( (ch3value -1000)/2+1500 + rudder + elevator+ servo_zero1-flapamp);

  servo_comm2 = (int)(1000 + (2000 - ((ch3value -1000)/2+1500)) + rudder - elevator- servo_zero2-flapamp); 


  servo_left.writeMicroseconds(servo_comm2); // servo position in variable 'pos'

  servo_right.writeMicroseconds(servo_comm1); // servo position in variable 'pos'


  #ifdef DOPRINTS







delay(delaytime); //Wait 1second=1000mseconds








  servo_left.writeMicroseconds(servo_comm1); // servo position in variable 'pos'

  servo_right.writeMicroseconds(servo_comm2); // servo position in variable 'pos'


  #ifdef DOPRINTS










New CODE Version2 2023/01/07


dtelapsed timeを使った、delay(この場合、羽ばたきの最初のみ送信機の情報を拾う)をつかわないCODEの製作



I changed CODE that Flapping system work by time not “delay” code.

In the previous CODE, transmitter information was read only once at the beginning of flapping.

The new CODE constantly reads information from the transmitter while flapping its wings, so it can respond to sudden changes in Ornithopter's attitude.

Therefore, the Ornithopter can fly with agile attitude changes even in strong winds.

When the voltage of the Lipo drops, the flapping frequency increases, so it is necessary to cancel the flight and set it again, or to set it again during the flight.


 delay CODEを使わず、”時間”を使って羽ばたきを行うArduinoCODEに変更した。






//221207 Version2 Rudder ElevatorUP FlapAmp-UP delaytime control PPMRX Ch1-4 writeMicroseconds(1000-2000uS) use dt and elapsed time by K.Kakuta

#include <Servo.h>

#include <PPMReader.h>

//#include <InterruptHandler.h>// 2022/01/27 Delete for more good move


//#define DOPRINTS // if you print on PC screen Data, delete”//”

// In use of Flap system,cut "Serial.print "(put ”//”) 

//and write code to Arduino board.

int interruptPin = 2;

int channelAmount = 6;

PPMReader ppm(interruptPin, channelAmount);


int servo_left_pin = 6;

int servo_right_pin = 5;


volatile int elevator = 0;

volatile int flapamp = 0;

//volatile int delaytime = 100;// Servo speed low-increase Servo speed high-decrease this.

                          // unit: micro second

volatile float delaytime = 100;// Servo speed low-increase Servo speed high-decrease this.

                          // unit: micro second

float elapsed_time = 0;

float dt;

unsigned long current_time, prev_time;


volatile int ch3value = 1000;//Ch3

volatile int ch1value = 1500;//Ch1

volatile int ch2value = 1500;//Ch2

volatile int ch4value = 1500;//Ch4: Set Scale of 4ch of TX to 70%

volatile int ch5value = 1500;//Ch5

static int servo_comm1 = 0;// Left or Right Servo high point and low point

static int servo_comm2 = 0; // Left or Right Servo high point and low point

volatile int rudder = 0;

float glide_deg = 0; // Gliding angle 0=0 degree 500=90degree

static float servo_zero1 = 0;//flap angle adjust

static float servo_zero2 = 0; //flap angle adjust


Servo servo_left, servo_right; // create servo object to control a servo


void setup() {



  pinMode(servo_left_pin, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(servo_right_pin, OUTPUT);


  servo_left.attach(servo_left_pin);//output pin No

  servo_right.attach(servo_right_pin); //output pin No

delay(2000);//Avoid abnormal positions at startup-wait 2 second until RX starts220306



void loop() {

prev_time = current_time;     

  current_time = micros();     

  dt = (current_time - prev_time)/1000000.0;


  elapsed_time = elapsed_time + dt; // total time spent in the main loop since beginning one upstroke/downstroke


  ch3value = ppm.rawChannelValue(3);//Ch3

  ch1value = ppm.rawChannelValue(1);//Ch1

  ch2value = ppm.rawChannelValue(2);//Ch2

  ch4value = ppm.rawChannelValue(4);//Ch4

ch5value = ppm.rawChannelValue(5);//Ch5



  #ifdef DOPRINTS   

    Serial.print("ch3value ");Serial.print(ch3value);


    Serial.print("ch1value ");Serial.print(ch1value);


    Serial.print("ch2value ");Serial.print(ch2value);


    Serial.print("ch4value ");Serial.print(ch4value);


    Serial.print("ch5value ");Serial.print(ch5value);




 rudder=(int)(ch1value-1500);//Ch1  Flap angle incline-- AileronStick

 elevator=(int)(ch2value-1500);//Ch2 Flap Angle bilateral UP&Down

 flapamp=(int)(ch4value-1500);//Ch4 Right and left Flap angle difference from3to2

 delaytime=(int)((ch5value-950)/5);//Ch5 Flapping frequency

// you can change UP or Down direction by your transmitter Reverse setting of each Channel


  #ifdef DOPRINTS











 if (ch3value > 1080) {

if (elapsed_time < delaytime/1000) {


  servo_comm1 = (int)( (ch3value -1000)/2+1500 + rudder - elevator+ servo_zero1+ flapamp);

  servo_comm2 = (int)(1000 + (2000 - ((ch3value -1000)/2+1500)) + rudder + elevator- servo_zero2+flapamp); 


  servo_left.writeMicroseconds(servo_comm1); // servo position in variable 'pos'

  servo_right.writeMicroseconds(servo_comm2); // servo position in variable 'pos'


//delay(delaytime); //Wait 1second=1000mseconds


if ((elapsed_time > delaytime/1000) && ( elapsed_time < (delaytime + delaytime)/1000)) {


servo_comm1 = (int)( (ch3value -1000)/2+1500 + rudder + elevator+ servo_zero1-flapamp);

  servo_comm2 = (int)(1000 + (2000 - ((ch3value -1000)/2+1500)) + rudder - elevator- servo_zero2-flapamp); 


  servo_left.writeMicroseconds(servo_comm2); // servo position in variable 'pos'

  servo_right.writeMicroseconds(servo_comm1); // servo position in variable 'pos'


  #ifdef DOPRINTS







//delay(delaytime); //Wait 1second=1000mseconds









  servo_left.writeMicroseconds(servo_comm1); // servo position in variable 'pos'

  servo_right.writeMicroseconds(servo_comm2); // servo position in variable 'pos'


  #ifdef DOPRINTS








     if (elapsed_time > (delaytime + delaytime)/1000) {// one full flap is finisheddt

         elapsed_time = 0; // start next flapping cycle


